Things to do during the holidays

 Fun things to do during the holidays 

As winter holidays are starting for a lot of my fellow students, I would like to post about something that concerns even me directly. Suddenly I have unlimited free time and don’t know what to do with it. So I try to find different activities to keep myself busy.

Even though I am infinitely exhausted, I still have an urge to be productive and do something with myself. That’s why here is a short list of things you can do during the holidays to ensure that you get your rest in but also feel like you are not just laying around all day.


This seems like quite an obvious one, however moving your body is going to make you feel so good and productive. You don’t have to go on a run or lift weights, simply do what you feel like doing. Yoga, stretching, home workouts, you name it.


Reading is often times associated with school for most of us, but you can make it a free time activity. Just find a genre or topic you enjoy reading about and you are good to go! Best thing is that you don’t even have to go to a bookstore to buy a book. Nowadays you can download lots of books online even for free. My favourite page to find free to download books on is Zlibrary.


For me Christmas=baking and let me tell you, I love baking. It’s one of my favourite ways to get creative, express myself, find out what tastes I like, try new receipts, learn new skills and make someone enjoy all the delish treats.

Paint/ Write

You finally have a chance to spend unlimited time being creative, so do it! Start painting, write a short story, start a blog (wink, wink ;), do some anti stress colouring, make homemade candles and so much more. Get creative, put your heart into it and turn off your mind.

Do an online course

If you have energy and are in a mood to learn something new, try doing an online course. There are hundreds, if not thousands of online courses online, lots of them even free. You can learn a skill or watch a university lecture. I personally use Coursera to watch different lectures for free.

Learn something from a family member

Holiday time is usually that time of the year when we spend a lot of time with other family members. So, use your together time wisely and learn something new from them. I bet that your grandparents would be thrilled to share their knowledge and skills with you. It is also an excellent way to spend some quality time and bond.

Catch up on school

Beginning of a new year is a very stressful test season for me. As one semester finishes there is always a load of work to do and it can get pretty demanding to learn everything in January. So if you have the same struggle like me, try to dive into school work and learning before the school holidays end. That way coming back to school is going to be a lot easier and less stressful.

Watch movies/series

Ugly weather and a ton free time on hand is a good opportunity to catch up on your watch list. Either it's Christmas movies or a 7 seasons long show, now it is the right time to watch them all.

Start an ig account

If you have been dreaming of starting that social media account or perhaps an online store on Ebay, this is your sign to do it. At first it might seem overwhelming and scary, but don't worry, you can do it. There are many tutorials and tips online, so if you don't know what step you should take next, just google it :)

Go out with friends

Last but not least, maybe a little obvious one. Lots of free time means being able to meet up with some old friends or just going to play in the snow and drink hot chocolate with your besties. Have fun and stay safe.

So, I hope that I inspired you today. Sometimes school holidays can get boring, especially with all that free time. Use it wisely, get some rest and most importantly, have fun and stay safe!
Merry Christmas everyone!

With love,



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